Survivalist Vs Prepper, Is There A Difference?
Record numbers of people are purchasing supplies and trying
to adopt to a more self-reliant lifestyle. Not so long ago having extra
supplies was considered completely normal. Raising livestock, poultry and
growing your own garden was a lifestyle, not a hobby. A recent survey found
that over half of all Americans have less than a three day supply of food in
their homes. Many people have no emergency supplies, not even a first aid kit.
A prepper
is anyone who is concerned about not being a helpless victim in case of an
emergency. They are primarily concerned about natural disasters, power failure,
economic collapse, hyperinflation and job loss. Preppers
have a lot in common with the people that lived through the 1930's in the Great
Depression, in that they save, conserve, re-use and try to be prepared for
anything. They maintain a long term food supply and can make do at least a few
months on the food that they've stockpiled. Preppers
are the resourceful people in your neighborhoods. Preppers
are the kind of people you want to have around if something goes wrong. Not
many who call themselves "preppers"
would want to be termed "survivalists" however. Many preppers
go out of their way to avoid the stereotypes that comes with the
"survivalist" label. Prepping is just a new word for a very old way
of life.
A survivalist takes being prepared as seriously as the prepper
does. Then it's brought up to another level, with a focus on the complete
collapse of civilization. In addition to food and equipment, the survivalist
will stock up on guns and ammunition and have a plan for a retreat from
populated areas when society collapses. Survivalists believe that there will
come a time when they will definitely have to defend themselves, families, food
and supplies. The average prepper
does have guns and devotes time and energy to self-defense, generally not on
the level of the survivalist. Survivalists will be more likely to concentrate
their efforts on having a safe stockpiled place where they can retreat to if
there are widespread riots and civil unrest. The survivalist is planning for
the "TEOTWAWKI" scenario that is known as The End Of The World As We
Know It. A survivalist is more prepared to go their own way for the long haul
and often by living in the wilds.
Both preppers
and survivalists are strongly focused on self-reliance. A prepper
or a survivalist
think in terms of learning skills to be able to survive while stockpiling the
items and supplies that they plan on needing before a change in their living
conditions. They share a need for being prepared for a variety of situations
and will have survival kits at the ready in case they have to leave. Neither
believe that the government will be able to stabilize the threats to our
current lifestyle, and they will need to be able to take care of themselves.
They look for signs that indicate an event is eminent and have a plan to
survive. The fact is that there is not a lot of distinction between preppers
vs. survivalists, they have a lot more in common than they do differences. It
is just a matter of degrees.
Wikipedia defines survivalism
as this:
is a movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers)
who are actively preparing for emergencies, including possible disruptions in
social or political order, on scales from local to international. Survivalists
often acquire emergency medical and self-defense training, stockpile food and
water, prepare to become self-sufficient, and build structures (e.g., a
survival retreater an underground shelter) that may help them survive a
So the differences between a prepper
and a survivalist can at times be a little blurred. Which one better fits your
attitude and mindset about being prepared instead of being a victim? How much
confidence do you have that you will be okay if things start to come apart? Now
that you know about some of the differences between a prepper
and a survivalist, you can make your own conclussions. Even if you don't
believe that the end of the world will be happening any time soon, you need to
make a choice about how much you will become prepared for any emergency. With
America's infrastructure and world economies becoming more fragile every day,
it's a good idea to stock up, just in case. A good rule of thumb is to do what
you can as soon as you can. Don't be part of the many that will be thinking
"I wish I would have done... "
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So let me know what your thoughts are…are you prepper
or survivalist?
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