3 Steps To Becoming a Prepper, Ready For Economic Collapse


So you watch "Doomsday Preppers" on TV and you want to know how to go about becoming a prepper yourself. What are the 3 things you can do to start on your journey to be ready for an economic collapse? (Most preppers agree that an economic collapse is more likely than just about any other scenario that would qualify as "SHTF" (Sewage Hits The Fan").


First Step to Becoming a Prepper


The first "prep" that you want to take care of is food. Nobody can call themself a prepper unless they have at least 8 weeks of food in their pantry. That way, when something happens, they have enough non-perishable food to hunker down in the house and stay off the streets, where civil unrest is likely.


Second Step to Becoming a Prepper


Since utilities and municipal services suffer greatly in an economic collapse, the second thing that preppers ensure that they have taken care of is a supply of water. While rain barrel catchments and water purification are the more advanced preppers' concern, every beginning prepper has several cases of bottled water on hand in case the tap runs dry.


Third Step to Becoming a Prepper


Keeping the home safe from looters and burglars is the next step to becoming a prepper. That doesn't always means a stockpile of guns, however. It means passive methods of 'hardening' your home to make it less of an attractive target. It also means having non-lethal methods of home defense as well as lethal ones. It is no good having supplies on hand for an emergency if someone can just come and take them from you.


So now that you know the first three steps to becoming a prepper, you have a choice to make. You can either think about it or act on what you have learned.


A very important half-step you could make is to become prepared in case something happens when you are away from home, in your car.


Learn about ensuring that you can survive the coming Great Depression or any other catastrophe that could be headed our way.

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Guest Post : By Mike Kuykendall, Disaster and Survival expert at Prepared for Everything.


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