Everyday Reasons for Becoming a Prepper Besides a Doomsday Scenario
The prepper movement has become more and more mainstream over the last year or two but there are still some with odd reactions. I’m sure we have all heard some of the comments about preppers like they are nuts, paranoid worry warts, and onward. There are many who don't believe that any sort of doomsday scenario will ever occur with in their lifetime. But the doomsday or end of world scenario alone is not the only reason to do a little prepping. There are reasons which are a little more mainstream and may even make a little more sense even to those of you who don't believe in prepping. We have listed here some reasons to have emergency supplies and stock piles like many modern day prepper would have. You may want to consider some of these reasons to prep even though you still wouldn't consider yourself a prepper . Natural Disasters - Most of us live in an area that can be hit by some kind of natural disaster be it a hurricane, tornado, or earthquake. This may...