
Showing posts from October, 2021

Everyday Reasons for Becoming a Prepper Besides a Doomsday Scenario

The prepper movement has become more and more mainstream over the last year or two but there are still some with odd reactions. I’m sure we have all heard some of the comments about preppers like they are nuts, paranoid worry warts, and onward. There are many who don't believe that any sort of doomsday scenario will ever occur with in their lifetime. But the doomsday or end of world scenario alone is not the only reason to do a little prepping.   There are reasons which are a little more mainstream and may even make a little more sense even to those of you who don't believe in prepping. We have listed here some reasons to have emergency supplies and stock piles like many modern day prepper would have. You may want to consider some of these reasons to prep even though you still wouldn't consider yourself a prepper .   Natural Disasters - Most of us live in an area that can be hit by some kind of natural disaster be it a hurricane, tornado, or earthquake. This may...

3 Steps To Becoming a Prepper, Ready For Economic Collapse

  So you watch "Doomsday Preppers" on TV and you want to know how to go about becoming a prepper yourself. What are the 3 things you can do to start on your journey to be ready for an economic collapse? (Most preppers agree that an economic collapse is more likely than just about any other scenario that would qualify as "SHTF" (Sewage Hits The Fan").   First Step to Becoming a Prepper   The first "prep" that you want to take care of is food. Nobody can call themself a prepper unless they have at least 8 weeks of food in their pantry. That way, when something happens, they have enough non-perishable food to hunker down in the house and stay off the streets, where civil unrest is likely.   Second Step to Becoming a Prepper   Since utilities and municipal services suffer greatly in an economic collapse, the second thing that preppers ensure that they have taken care of is a supply of water. While rain barrel catchments and water puri...

Do You Have a Preppers Mentality?

  It was just another day... then disaster strikes. We are all settled into a day-to-day routine of work, home and play. Does not panic set in?   Not for us. Why? We are preppers . We live by this Preppers doctrine:   Because you never know when the day before... is the day before. Prepare for tomorrow.   (Hidden Survival Food farm – Read More…) Do you have a Preppers mentality? As I sat down to write this article about Preppers Mentality, I thought I would Google the subject to see what else has been written. As is true for most of you, Google begins to auto-populate results as you type in the letters in the search box. Where am I going with this, you ask?   p-r-e-p-p-e-r-s m-e-n-t   and here come the results:   preppers mental illness, preppers mental health, preppers mental disorder (Emergency Tactical Flashlight) Gee, is this the most common search terms related to Preppers Mentality? Are we all crazy? Most peopl...

Survivalist Vs Prepper, Is There A Difference?

  Record numbers of people are purchasing supplies and trying to adopt to a more self-reliant lifestyle. Not so long ago having extra supplies was considered completely normal. Raising livestock, poultry and growing your own garden was a lifestyle, not a hobby. A recent survey found that over half of all Americans have less than a three day supply of food in their homes. Many people have no emergency supplies, not even a first aid kit.   A prepper is anyone who is concerned about not being a helpless victim in case of an emergency. They are primarily concerned about natural disasters, power failure, economic collapse, hyperinflation and job loss. Preppers have a lot in common with the people that lived through the 1930's in the Great Depression, in that they save, conserve, re-use and try to be prepared for anything. They maintain a long term food supply and can make do at least a few months on the food that they've stockpiled. Preppers are the resourceful people in y...